Thursday 28 May 2020

EastWood Hills Recount

EastWood Hills

Mountains of leaves crunched under foot as we trudged along the muddy path, sucking at our boots. Ducks called to one another, flying high above our heads. Dew dropped from leaves, sprinkling along the mossy forest floor. Puddles sloshed as we walked through them, crossing a small bridge over a small swamp. Fumes of stinking smells floated up to greet us as we crossed. Tiny fantails chattered like little old ladies as they swooped around our footprints, yanking tiny bugs from the ground. 

Tramping to the clearing exhausted us and we stopped to eat lunch on top of some boulders. 

Suddenly a million baas filled the clearing as a large flock of sheep came from around the corner. Tucking up our legs they tried to steal our sandwiches. 
Biting into our lunches was the best feeling ever as the honey glazed ham, cheese, and lettuce warmed our mouths. 

Finally, after arriving in the circle of pines, a strange aroma wafted towards us, making us wonder what it was, and if it was safe. It turned out to be thousands of mushrooms. We cautiously stepped into the circle and sniffed. Boy, were those mushrooms strong smelling! We followed a stone wall to the exit and piled into the car, and finished the lunch we didn’t eat.

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