Wednesday 4 March 2020

The Story Of The Horouta Waka

Pawa and Kiwa 
Today we were learning about the Horota, and some people from the museum came and taught us about it. We did some art about it, and this is the waka I made. 

Pawa and Kiwa were famous sea voyagers who lived in a far away place called Hawaiki. They came to New Zealand on a Horouta waka. They came with Hinehākirirangi and his daughter Hineakua. Kiwa’s son Kahutuanui was also there. Horouta was fast and carried Kumara to NZ. It was Hinehākirirangi’s job to look after the Kumera. 

The Horouta hit a sandbar sailing to Aoteroa, and then stopped to repair it. Pawa and Kiwa discussed how to fix it and settled that Kiwa would look after the boat while Pawa looked for the timbers to fix it. They discovered a beautiful bay with birds, animals, and plants. Kiwa named Turanganui - a - Kiwa. It means the waiting place of Kiwa. Pawa climbed mountains and canyons looking for the timbers. When they got back to the Horouta they celebrated by having a marriage. Hineakua and Kahutuanui were married.

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