Monday, 24 August 2020

Sacraments of Initiation

Today and yesterday my class and I have been creating a slide on the sacraments of initiation. I thought it was pretty tricky writing the rituals. Next time I will change the background. I found it fun to find the photos.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Haast's Eagle

Haast’s Eagle

The Haast's Eagle classification is the Harpagornis moorei.

It’s bill got to 130 millimetres, and its body was 1.4 metres. Its wingspan is 3 metres, the size of a small house. The males were smaller than the females, and its call was very loud and quite high-pitched. It had black feathers tinged with green and yellow, with a bunch of red feathers on its head.

The Haast’s Eagle lived in grasslands, forests, shrublands, and mountains. It would perch on ledges and giant tree branches while it waited for its prey. When it’s prey came near enough, it would dive from the high tree top or ledge of rocks and plummet down to the animal it was hunting and attack it. It would hunt animals much larger than itself.

The Haast’s Eagle’s diet included Giant Moa, ducks, and other birds. The Giant Moa was much larger than the Haast’s Eagle, but the giant eagle would still swoop down and attack it. 

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Maths Check Up Re-Do

 Konnichiwa! I've already done a Maths Check Up, but I did the wrong times tables. This time I did my four times tables, my two times tables, three times tables, and elevens. It was tricky because of the timer, and I didn't know all of them. I enjoyed answering the ones I did know, because it made me feel proud that I knew them. I didn't get most of them write, but I don't mind. I'm happy that I got at least some of them. Next time I hope that i know them better so that I get more right. Down below I will put my results. red means I got it wrong, green means I got it right, and orange means I didn't answer before the timer ran out. 

Monday, 17 August 2020

Ruru Art

My class and I have been doing some Ruru art. John Bevan Fords was the man who originally did it. It was supposed to be for the art we were going to be selling after the talent show, but it had to be postponed because of Covid 19. It was a bit hard for me to think of patterns. For me it was easy to do the dying. Next time I think I would change the colours of the Ruru. 

Times Tables Check Up

Konnichi wa! Me and my class were doing a Times Table Check Up. I got sixteen out of twenty five. We have been learning our times tables. For me it was pretty tricky, but then I figured out that you could change how long you were aloud to choose the answer, and it was a bit easier. I found it fun with some of the questions because i didn't know them, and it was nice to get a challenge. Next time I hope that I will know more and will be able to answer more correctly. Down bellow I will put my results.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Faith GIF

My class and I were making Faith GIFs. For me it was hard to choose the words and how I put them. For me I enjoyed choosing the colour of the words and the crosses at the end. I think that if I did it again I would change how big the words were and make the crosses bigger. I hope you like my GIF. I did it on google slides, and then I put it on Tall Tweets. Tall Tweets is a site that you can make GIFs on. Here is the link: From this I learnt how to make a GIF, and how to put it on my blog.