Thursday, 22 August 2019

What's in a flower?

Yesterday and today, we have been learning: what's in a flower?
Here is my drawing of a flower and what's in it. Hope you like it.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

The day I broke my toe.

“We are leaving now!” Called Mum. “Coming!” I replied. THWACK! “Oww!” I cried. I had hit my foot on the dehumidifier. “Are you OK?” Asked Mum softly. “Yeah, I think so.” I moaned and smiled. “OK. Well, we're all going over to Keith’s house to sing: HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Ok?” We strolled next door and sang: “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Keith! Happy birthday, toooooo you!” While we were eating the fruit cake we brought, my foot started throbbing. “Oww, Mum!” I cried. “My toe feels broken!” “Don’t be ridiculous - Oh! It is broken!” Exclaimed Mum. “Sob sob sob!” I wailed. We got some frozen peas and tied them to my pinkie toe. My Mum apologized to Keith and hugged me while I tried not to explode. After that my Mum piggybacked me home. We watched the Big Bang Theory while eating dinner. I had an ice pack on the whole time. As I limped back to bed I wondered:What will happen to me next time if I hit the dehumidifier?